Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Death is in the Air

Here is a sketch I colored in Cs4, I used three different types of brushes and a few layers. This was super fun.


Unknown said...

DUDE - It need the Frak'n bunny rabbit - the Monty Python one.

Nah - Great painting man! Really like how you got the expression on the dragon to exceed the sketch's expression. The clouds look great - the one in the right corner looks really imposing.

Now put in the killer bunny!

JasonNewhouse said...

Hey man, it's been a while. Great piece. The composition & color scheme. effin' sweet dude. love to see more scenes like this. Take care & hope all is well. and remember....Master Blaster runs bardertown:) you hear the music.

StandardDess said...

Will be Surfing over here more often, love that dragon lol..